Today (February 23rd) a second attempt was made to finish a game between Shin Jinseo 9p and Mi Yuting 9p, after an unsuccessful first attempt yesterday, where Mi Yutings Tygem Client (Korean Go server) malfunctioned. Yesterday the game was initially favorable for Mi Yuting, but after the game got complicated Shin Jinseo caught up, and the move that was never played (by Mi Yuting) actually would have led to a slightly favorable position for Shin Jinseo. We can only guess how it felt to have to redo the match, but this time it was Shin Jinseo who came out on top while playing with white (they did switch colors).
The game was fairly even until black played 127-129, and Shin started building a significant lead, and never gave away the control of the game. Mi Yuting resigned after move 214, which had cut off 8 of his stones.
His next opponent is Yo Seiki 8p (also known as Yu Zhengqi, as he is originally from Taiwan).
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