Did Iyama Yuta manage a 2-2 in his Kisei defense?

Iyama Yuta 9p, 2-1 behind after he lost the previous game in byo-yomi, was in damage control mode last Friday and Saturday (18th and 19th of February) in his Kisei title defense, while trying to do what no one has done before: holding on to the Kisei title for 10 consecutive years. Ichiriki Ryo 9p however proved to be the stronger player, and Iyama now trails 3-1.

During the middle game, a series of questionable moves were made (moves 154-157 according to AI), but Iyama ended up leading. A couple of mistakes were made, but then Iyama made a crucial mistake with move 194, which evened the game, Iyama still had the smallest lead, however. In the endgame, he made a small mistake with move 230, and lost by a half-point. Iyama now faces yet another kadoban, but he is still in the race, as he managed to win the two kadobans he was in last year as well (both against Ichiriki Ryo). But those times he only needed to win 2 more games, while now he needs three victories.

This was according to AI, an 11 point mistake, as black is now able to live, as he did in the game.
AI variation in which white kills the black group.

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