Kisei Game 2 – Did Iyama Yuta manage 1-1?

After Ichiriki Ryo 9p managed to win the first game, Iyama Yuta had a lot riding on the second game, after all, if he were to lose the second game he would be 2-0 behind and would need to win four out of the remaining five games.

This game was played in the Katsuura Hotel Mikazuki in Katsuura, Chiba Prefecture over the course of two days, (21th and 22nd of January), Which features stunning views of the Katsuura Bay.

The playing venue; Katsuura Hotel Mizaki in Katsuura, with a beautiful view of Katsuura bay.

Post Game Commentary

Iyama Yuta: “It was though after move 76, which I played to shake up the upper right corner, but I was cut off, after which the game was adjourned. On the second day, I made some mistakes and thought it looked bad. After move 85, which I think was a mistake, I traded the three stones in the center for territory. It was hard to make a good judgment on how to handle black, but I was able to attack the left side, but it became very complex and hard to judge and read.”

Ichiriki Ryo: “I wasn’t sure if move 76 was the best move, so with black 77 I decided to cut, and it became a trade. It was still a normal match, but after move 134, I couldn’t find the correct answer. I made many mistakes in the game on the second day, so that is something I’ll have to work on.”

Game 2 (no commentary)


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